Social Responsibility

"Why is it, that Germans are having fewer and fewer children? Do we not believe in our future? Children mean curiosity, creativity, and confidence. Children are the bridge to the future..."
Horst Köhler, President of the BRD, speech to the Federal Assembly after being elected (23.05.2004)

We all have a social responsibility. We take this very seriously, especially when it comes to the most helpless members of our society.

Children are our future. They are the future of our society, and this future depends on the opportunities our children have.

"Childhood poverty is increasing in Germany faster than the average poverty rate of the country as a whole. Over 10% of children, but only 8,8% of adults without children, can be categorized as impoverished. Despite poverty, children could enjoy a childhood of well-being depending on the parents’ ability to overcome challenges and the level of social integration. However, particularly in the case of poorer parents, a connection has been found between their feeling of control over their lives and the ability to overcome challenges. Studies show that poor children often under perform as students. German Hauptschulen, for example, have three times as many poor students as the German Gymnasien. Additionally, poor children are often picked on or shut out by fellow students, simply because they can’t wear brand name clothes, their parents can’t pay for the class trips, they have no money to go to the movies, or because they can’t afford to host a birthday party. This burdens the children and directly affects their academic performance. In turn, poor notes decrease their chance at getting into college or being accepted into a trade school. The trend towards unemployment seems almost certain. Poverty continues its vicious cycle."
Paraphrasing from 2012

We want to give these children a chance.

Every month, we donate 6% of our revenue to the Arche and actively support them in the areas of health, sport, and leisure activities.

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